>>COME TO the Peaceful, Prayerful, Public Protests
Carhart Goes to Court and Wins ALL of GRHS Medical Records from Former Owners
Todd Stave and Nancy Samuels
LeRoy Carhart sued the former owners of Germantown Reproductive Health Services (GRHS), siblings Nancy Samuels and Todd Stave, over custody of all GRHS’s medical records. In the case filed on September 14, 2017, Carhart asserted that he is the rightful owner of the medical records because the women were his patients, and not the patients of Germantown Reproductive Health Services where he conducted “advanced gestation abortions” between December 4, 2010 and August 24, 2017. This is asserted despite the reality that other abortionists also worked at GRHS on and off during that same time period. However, even so, Carhart demanded and got all medical records currently in GRHS’s possession.
When Carhart asked for the records prior to filing the lawsuit, GHRS refused to hand them over.
Samuels and Stave, who inherited the abortion business from their father in 2000, had refuted the notion that the medical records belong to Carhart, and noted that GRHS has a legal responsibility to maintain the records – a responsibility they believe cannot be unilaterally transferred to Carhart.
However, and contrary to their above noted affirmation, in their answer to Carhart’s suit Samuels and Stave offered to indeed transfer the medical records to Carhart’s custody, as long as the court approves of the transfer and absolves them of any legal liability.
This seems to be what happened here since after only 2 min 34 seconds of discussion in court on October 18th, all issues were resolved with the judge granting Carhart his sought after declaratory judgement.
SOURCE: Operation Rescue
Case Information [LINK]
Court System: Circuit Court for Montgomery County - Civil System
Case Number: 436978V
Date Filed: 09/14/2017
Case Status: FINAL DISPOSITION (ALL ISSUES RESOLVED)Docket Date: 10/18/2017 Docket Number: 7
Audio Media: 70-101817 Start: 10:08:18 Stop: 10:10:52Docket Date: 10/18/2017 Docket Number: 8
View Defendants’ Original Answer
NARAL Pro-Choice Maryland’s August 25th 2017 statement says "Carhart’s new practice to be established in Maryland will continue ready access to reproductive healthcare.” [LINK] Potentially, this new location will also be located in Germantown and as close as one mile from the former GRHS. will continue to follow this story and update this website accordingly.
and LeRoy Carhart since December 2010:
- One Mother Died from an Abortion in Germantown:
On February 7, 2013 Jennifer McKenna Morbelli, a 29-year-old woman from New Rochelle and an abortion patient of Leroy Carhart, died of 33-week 3rd trimester abortion. She started suffering chest pain and other discomforts, and was unable to reach the Carhart the day after the final procedure. She was taken to a local Emergency Room when she and her family could not reach Carhart. She suffered massive internal bleeding in her abdominal cavity and slipped into a Code Blue condition approximately six times before dying. The State of Maryland’s medical examiner’s office confirmed the young woman died from the abortion performed by LeRoy Carhart in Germantown, MD. The official death certificate [LINK] states that the cause of death was Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation “due to or as a consequence of Amniotic Fluid Embolism following Medical Termination of Pregnancy.” The certificate then states that this refers to the “Disease or injury that initiated events resulting in death.” i.e. Carhart’s abortion of her 33-week old child.
- 10 Mothers Rushed to the Hospital by Ambulance:
10) February 7, 2017 - Patient bleeding heavily, extremely weak, and suffering severe abdominal pain. Lab tests reveal that her hematocrit and hemoglobin numbers were at “panic levels.”
9) April 4, 2016 - Hemorrhaging late-term abortion patient transported to emergency room. All other patients sent home.
8) March 30, 2016 - Private ambulance called for late-term abortion patient.
7) March 20, 2016 - Underaged woman transported to Shady Grove Hospital suffering “heart problems.”
6) January 19, 2016 - Late-term abortion patient bleeding seriously transported to hospital.
5) December 15 2015 - Abortion patient transported to emergency room.
4) July 2, 2014 - Abortion patient transported to hospital.
3) March 4, 2014 - Patient hemorrhaged after 2nd trimester abortion complications.
2) November 26, 2013 - Patient required emergency surgery.
1) July 9, 2013 - Patient hemorrhaged.
- At Least One Mother Sued LeRoy Carhart and GRHS for Malpractice/Negligence [LINK]:
OB/GYN expert witness in Devine v Carhart (September 2016 - May 2017) stated: “I have concluded that there have been VIOLATIONS of the STANDARD of care by LEROY CARHART, M.D. and GERMANTON REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES, Inc. which have directly and proximately resulted in injuries and damages to the Wendy Devine. It is my opinion that the Defendant Carhart, acting for himself and as a duly authorized agent and/or employee of the Defendant Germantown Reproductive Health Services, Inc. breached the standards of care by NEGLIGENTLY PERFORATING the entire side of Ms. Devine's uterine wall and injuring her right ovary, right uterine artery and bowel mesentery. As a result of the NEGLIGENCE of these Defendants, Ms. Devine developed UNCONTROLLABLE bleeding that required emergent admission to the hospital, blood transfusions and prolonged hospitalization to address the injuries to her reproductive system. It is my opinion that had all of these Defendants complied with the applicable standards of care that all of the injuries and damages sustained by Wendy Devine would have been AVOIDED.”
- U.S. House Select Panel on Infant Lives Reported [LINK]:
[T]he Panel decided to interview several of the employees of the clinic in Maryland in order to investigate the above-mentioned items. In the interviews, when questioned on when [Abortion Doctor #1] thinks viability occurs, the employees stated 27 weeks. [Clinic Worker #1] stated that up to 27 weeks, the woman does not need to provide a justification for the abortion, as shown in the following excerpt from the transcript:
Q. Can I just, the 20- to 27-week range, which is about 50 percent of your practice, so do the women have to provide any justification for the abortion during that period of time from 20 to 27 weeks?
A. No, ma’am.
Q. So it's only after 27 weeks?
A. Correct.In addition to the concerns that purely elective, post-viability abortions are taking place, there have been several medical complications that have occurred at the clinic, under the watch of [Abortion Doctor #1]. Since December 2010, 9 women have been transferred to a nearby hospital due to complications from an abortion at this clinic, with 7 of them being emergency transports. The most alarming factor is that 5 of the 9 transfers have occurred since December 2015. In April 2016, the Panel met with a confidential informant, a former employee of the clinic, who claimed that [Abortion Doctor #1] is not fit to practice due to arthritis in his hands. (emphasis added)
"Abortion Dr. #1” is understood to be LeRoy Carhart
"Clinic Worker #1” is understood to be a former GRHS Staff Member
- GRHS staff defames Pregnancy Resource Center [LINK]
(i.e. "13230" Executive Park Tr.) with Signage and Stunts:

- GRHS Staff Harassed Independent Film Maker as Uniformed Police Officer Watches (AND APPROVES?!?):
- Illegal Dumping Committed by Germantown Reproductive Health Services Staff [LINK]:
BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, the legacy of LeRoy Carhart and more recently Charlie M. Browne, are the thousands of lives lost…


And the Junk Truck cameth, to clean away the debris...

1-800-Got-Junk trunk filled to the brim outside Germantown Reproductive Health Services August 30, 2017
News article states [LINK] Germantown Reproductive Health Services "has stopped taking abortion appointments...[and]...Wednesday, August 30, 2017, is set to be the facility’s final abortion day.”
Carhart was still a ‘no-show’ August 29th, but Charlie M. Brown (aka Dr. X) entered the facility in the front door (wearing a fake beard) after walking around from the back of the building. Bypassers noticed that the ladder was not out that had previously allowed him to climb down a 7-8 foot deep window well and into a rear window.
Charlie M. Browne arriving to GRHS ‘incognito’ August 29th 2017 declares that Germantown Reproductive Health Services has "permanently closed” - NOT
On Monday August 28th, many pregnant Mom’s, GRHS staff, and Charlie M. Browne (from Seattle WA) all arrive to GRHS

Above: Homepage from
LeRoy Carhart advertises he performs late-term abortions at Germantown Reproductive Health Services according to his site "In Maryland we offer abortion up to 27 weeks and 6 days (LMP). Abortions after 28 + weeks (LMP) in Maryland are available for fetal/maternal indications.” - i.e. all the way up to the point of birth

Above: Navigation line from LeRoy Carhart’s webpage
Charlie M. Browne Performs Three Day Late-Term Dismemberment (D&E) Abortions on LIVING CHILDREN greater than 24 Weeks old in Germantown

Dr. X arrives via police car to Germantown Reproductive Health Services August 2, 2017
While it is commonly known that LeRoy Carhart kills the child by injecting drugs into the baby’s heart prior to removing the baby for a three day late-term abortion procedure, Charlie M. Browne does not. The CHILD DIES BY BEING TORN APART, piece by piece on the final day. Only to have the pieces reassembled on a tray next to the Mom making sure that all of the child has been removed.
It is common to determine the gestational age of an unborn late-term aborted baby by the number of days the abortion takes. Charlie M. Browne is now performing 3 day procedures, meaning the child is over 24 weeks old. After
From February 7, 2017 and once a month thereafter, Charlie M. Browne has been performing late-term abortions in Germantown. He routinely enters Germantown Reproductive Health Services from the front door, but often slithers* down a ladder into a rear window well and then climbs through the lower back window to enter the abortion facility. (NOTE: there are two uniformed police officers outside the front of the building, not the rear.)

Charlie M. Browne from Seattle WA entering GRHS from the front door

Charlie M. Browne's Peculiar Alternative Ingress Method into GRHS
Staff and patients confirm Charlie M. Browne relies exclusively on dismemberment Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) abortion without killing the child in the womb first. This occurs well into the third trimester.
A [graphic] description of this procedure follows:
"D&E abortion is a blind procedure. The baby can be in any orientation or position inside the uterus. Picture yourself reaching in grasping anything you can. At twenty weeks gestation, the uterus is thin and soft so be careful not to perforate or puncture the walls. Once you have grasped something inside, you squeeze on the clamp to set the jaws and pull hard – really hard. You feel something let go and out pops a fully formed leg about 4 to 5 inches long. Reach in again and grasp whatever you can. Set the jaw and pull really hard once again and out pops an arm about the same length. Reach in again and again with the clamp and tear out the spine, intestines, heart and lungs. The toughest part of a D&E abortion is extracting the baby’s head. The head of a baby that age is about the size of a plum and is now free floating inside the uterine cavity. You can be pretty sure you have hold of it when you crush down on the clamp and see a pure white gelatinous material issue from the cervix. That was the baby’s brains. You can then extract the skull pieces. If you have a really bad day like I often did, a little face may come out and stare back at you.” [emphasis added]
Video Explaining the Dilation and Extraction Abortion Method used by Dr. X
As of now, LeRory Carhart alternates weeks at GRHS with Charlie M. Browne. LeRoy Carhart has been know to kill the unborn child on the fist day of the abortion process. This is accomplished by injecting a medication into the baby’s heart to provoke a heart attack or similar distressing event, eventually killing the child. Eventually, because Carhart himself said in a taped Live Action video that the mother may feel the baby moving around in her womb for up to an hour after the injection.
*Slither [slith -er] verb - to slide down or along a surface, especially unsteadily, from side to side, or with some friction or noise
10) February 7, 2017
9) April 4, 2016
8) March 30, 2016
7) March 20, 2016
6) January 19, 2016
5) December 15, 2015
4) July 2, 2014
3) March 4, 2014
2) November 26, 2013
1) July 9, 2013

February 7, 2017 - Ambulance Transports Late-Term Abortion Patient to Local Hospital
December 29th 2016...3:49am...
Carhart’s Abortion Patient Required to Return to Clinic, Wrapped in Sheet, leaves 98 minutes later
December 30th 2016...3:56am…
Another Patient Arrives at Clinic for Further Treatment, leaves…??...

December 29th - Patient Arrives to GRHS at 3:49am
Thursday, December 29th - Appearing to be clutching a sheet of cloth or plastic around her waist, LeRoy Carhart’s late-term abortion patient 'straddle walked' into Germantown Reproductive Health Services in the early morning hours. In addition to Carhart and his wife, three other staff members were present for the patient’s return. All had left the building by 5:30 AM. Only eight months ago Carhart’s 9th ambulance patient was taken to the hospital from this clinic [news story, video link].

December 30th - Patient Arrives to GRHS at 3:58am
It should be noted that these incidents ocurred one day before and on the first court date in the negligence and malpractice suit brought against both LeRoy Carhart and Germantown Reproductive Health Services by a patient (see Devine v Carhart links below).
Devine v Carhart

Circuit Court for Montgomery County - Civil System, Case Number: 425378V
SEE Carhart Sued for Negligence and Malpractice in Germantown Late-Term Abortion for more information about the lawsuit.
December 11, 2016, the Return of LeRoy Carhart to Germantown, Maryland

LeRoy Carhart arrives with this wife to Germantown Reproductive Health Services Sunday December 11 escorted by his two uniformed off-duty Montgomery County Police Officers, after a 5 week reprieve for the lives of the late-term unborn.
9th Carhart Patient Taken Away by Ambulance April 4th!!
>3rd in 15 days!<
Emergency Medical Services arrive 12:33pm, leave 12:48pm
Ambulance Leaves with “hemoraging” Patient
Listen to EMS call
>>>Operation Rescue (link): "6 in 5 Months! Carhart’s Hemorrhaging Late-Term Abortion Patient Transported to Hospital”
- 2nd in March 2016 alone (!!)

With no flashing lights or sirens, a ‘private’ ambulance arrives at LeRoy Carhart’s Germantown Late-term abortion clinic at 10:24am Wednesday March 30th, where his latest patient is seen taken away with IV intact.
>>> (link): "WATCH: Late-term abortionist Carhart sends fifth patient in five months to hospital"
>>>Operation Rescue (link): "Menace Continues: Another Carhart Late-term Abortion Patient Rushed Away by Ambulance”

Sunday March 20, 2016 6:00pm: the 7th (and young) patient of LeRoy Carhart is taken to a local hospital via ambulance from his Germantown MD clinic since opening in December 2010. Fire & Rescue calls indicate seriousness of the situation; “ALS 1, Heart Problems.”
4 Patients in 4 Consecutive Months
>>>For the past 4 months; December 2015, January 2016, February 2016 (in Nebraska), and now March 2016, LeRoy Carhart has sent women to the hospital.<<<

At Johns Hopkins University Carhart Publicly Declares: “Virtually Nobody is Happy When They Leave Our Clinic…"
On February 3rd 2016, LeRoy Carhart spoke at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD to a room of prospective future abortionists. A person in attendance observed; the abortionist "seemed slow and lethargic" during their conversation. "Carhart seemed to me to be sickly, exhausted and of ill health and stamina. His face had a droop to it and his expression and voice conveyed little emotion or liveliness . His voice seemed feeble, monotone and tired."
Dispite flying back and forth from Nebraska almost weekly and often works seven days a week, during the Hopkins event Carhart dening being exhausted. However the very next day, Feburary 4th, another one of his patients from Nebraska was sent to the hospital.
For details about the event at, "What would a late-term abortionist say to med students?” Listen to audio from the event here.

LifeSiteNews HEADLINE: "Late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart sends fourth patient to hospital in four months: eyewitnesses"
GERMANTOWN, Maryland, March 22, 2016 (LifeSiteNews - link) -- Pro-life activists say Dr. Leroy Carhart's late-term abortion clinic in Maryland sent another patient to the hospital on Sunday.
This Sunday's ambulance evacuation of an underage girl to Shady Grove Hospital is the fourth from Carhart's Nebraska and Maryland locations since December 2015.
According to video and a press release provided to LifeSiteNews by local pro-life activists, eyewitnesses say two emergency vehicles were sent to Carhart's clinic, Germantown Reproductive Health Services. An underage girl was then sent to a local hospital, marking what the Executive Director of Maryland Coalition for Life said in a statement was the seventh "documented" case of injury, in addition to one death, at the clinic since it opened in 2010.
In a phone conversation, a spokesperson for Germantown Reproductive Health Services declined to comment on the latest alleged evacuation. Spokespersons for Shady Grove Hospital did not respond to multiple requests for comment from LifeSiteNews as to whether the hospital had taken in the underage patient.
According to Andrew Glenn, executive director of Maryland Coalition for Life, "With this many medical emergencies happening so close together, the Board needs to immediately suspend LeRoy Carhart’s license while these unfortunate incidents are fully investigated. There have been 7 documented injuries and 1 death here in Germantown and 5 other serious cases from his Nebraska office."
"This man is a danger to women, and it is the responsibility of the State authorities to thoroughly examine the competency of this out of state doctor who is nearly 75. Germantown Pregnancy Choices will be filing a formal complaint to the Maryland Board of Physicians today to report the medical emergencies that occurred during the last four months."
Two of the other three recent ambulatory evacuations took place on December 15 and January 19 in Germantown. The fourth, on February 4, was in Nebraska, after Carhart spoke to medical students at Johns Hopkins University.
According to a recording of the presentation conducted by Students for Life of America and provided to LifeSiteNews, Carhart was asked about his health. The student also asked whether there were regulations limiting how many hours he could work to make sure his "patients are healthy."
"I guess I'm too old, too," Carhart joked in response. "There are a lot of things that some people come up with. I don't know where the exhaustion thing came from. Maybe I look tired to you today. I've been up since, what, 6:00 this morning. Still going."
"I don't think that I've ever been impaired because of sleep or exhaustion, or whatever. I fly into here, but I sleep the whole four hours on the airplane" to and from Nebraska. "We do spend long days..."
Johns Hopkins undergraduate student Andrew Guernsey, a former president of the on-campus pro-life group Voices for Life and a former LifeSiteNews intern, spoke to Carhart the evening he spoke at the university. According to Guernsey, the abortionist "seemed slow and lethargic" during their conversation.
"Carhart seemed to me to be sickly, exhausted and of ill health and stamina. His face had a droop to it and his expression and voice conveyed little emotion or liveliness . His voice seemed feeble, monotone and tired," Guernsey told LifeSiteNews.
Carhart is perhaps most infamous for, in addition to his late-term abortion career, killing 29-year old Jennifer Morbelli. Morbelli had gone to Carhart to end a 33-week pregnancy; her 2013 death resulted in an investigation of Carhart's practice.


Sixth patient leaving on a gurney by ambulance from Germantown Reproductive Health Services. Most recently the fifth patient was taken away by ambulance December 15, 2015
Carhart Hospitalizes Sixth Abortion Patient in Germantown, Maryland
January 22, 2016 By Operation Rescue - (link)
by Cheryl Sullenger
Germantown, MD – An ambulance transported a female patient of late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart to a Germantown hospital on the evening of January 19, 2016, about a month after another similar incident that also resulted in emergency hospitalization of another of his patients.
Security camera footage obtained by Operation Rescue shows an ambulance arriving at Germantown Reproductive Health Services in Germantown, Maryland at approximately 7:46 p.m. according to the video time-stamp. Seven minutes later, emergency responders are seen leaving the late-term abortion facility with the injured women on a gurney.
Carhart and his wife, Mary Lou, are also seen exiting the abortion facility and leaving the parking lot immediately after the ambulance.
Carhart has not held hospital privileges anywhere, including Maryland, since 1982.
Carhart conducts abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy at Germantown Reproductive Health Services where he has worked for the past five years. Carhart also operates his own abortion facility in Bellevue, Nebraska, where state law limits abortions to under 20 weeks.
A witness on the scene has told Operation Rescue that on January 19, Carhart saw 21 patients. Seven of those were risky late-term abortion deliveries.
The patient that was transported was said to have been the first patient to arrive for the day and the last to leave eleven hours later – long after everyone else had been released.
This is the sixth medical emergency that has resulted in the hospitalization of a Carhart abortion patient since he began working in Maryland five years ago. One of those incidents resulted in the death of Jennifer Morbelli, who succumbed on Feburary 7, 2012, to complications of a 33-week abortion. Even though Carhart was unable to be contacted as Morbelli’s condition worsened, which fatally delayed emergency Carhart was never held accountable.
Carhart was also involved in the death of another late-term abortion patient, Christin Gilbert, a 19-year old Down syndrome teen who died from complications to a botched third trimester abortion on January 13, 2005.
“When Carhart moved his late-term abortion business to Germantown, we predicted he would kill again, and that prediction came true. Now he has hospitalized two women within a month of each other and we do not know if either woman is alive or dead,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “Carhart is a dangerous abortionist that has maimed and killed enough. We urgently call on the Maryland Board of Physicians to step in and stop Carhart from practicing in Maryland before he kills again.”
Earlier this week, Operation Rescue named Carhart’s Germantown Reproductive Health Services as one of the six most dangerous abortion business in the U.S.
Very Young Carhart Patient Seen Clinging to Her Stuffed Animal After Late-Term Abortion Outside Clinic

Very young in appearance, a late-term abortion patient of LeRoy Carhart’s is seen sitting on the curb clinging to her stuffed animal outside his abortion clinic in Germantown, MD.

Later, Carhart and staff exit the clinic and offer the young girl a ride. During the entire time she was outside the clinic, the stuffed pink toy never left the young girl’s side. More about this incident can been seen at Gloria.TV
On Tuesday December 15th 2015 for the FIFTH TIME SINCE 2013 an ambulance was called to Germantown Reproductive Health Services to take Carhart’s patient to a local hospital. In the pictures below, Carhart can be seen in his white lab coat escorting the patient out to the ambulance, and then climbing into the back before leaving the office park.

Carhart in White Lab Coat Exits Clinic With Patient on Gurney
December 15, 2015 - FIFTH Carhart patient since 2013 leaves his clinic by ambulance
July 2, 2014 - FOURTH Carhart patient in 17 MONTHS taken away by ambulance
March 4, 2014 − THIRD Carhart patient taken by ambulance to hospital
November 26, 2013 − SECOND Carhart patient taken by ambulance to hospital
July 9, 2013 − FIRST Carhart patient taken by ambulance to hospital
February 7, 2013 - Jennifer Morbelli taken to local hospital by family members after not being able to contact Carhart and sadly DIES on the 5th day after the start of a 33-week Carhart abortion

Carhart Entering Ambulance With His Fifth Patient Taken To Local Hospital
>>MORE on this story from Operation Rescue (link), including full video of the event.
Marking 5 Years Of LeRoy Carhart in Germantown, Local Churches Hold Candle Light Procession and Vigil
LeRoy Carhart (now 74 years old) came to Germantown Maryland in December 2010. Since then more than 3,800 children have died here. The faithful who protest prayerfully and peacefully each week marked the solemn occasion on December 6, 2015 with a candle light procession to Germantown Reproductive Health Services. Outside the clinic the group of 100 people paused to ask God Almighty to end the scourge of late-term abortion in Germantown.

The Pro-Life Faithful Processed from Mother Seton Church and Prayed Outside Germantown Reproductive Health Services on December 6, 2015

Abortion Myths BUSTED
Myth: We all have heard it say women have abortions because they want to, not because they are being pressured.
BUSTED: From Carhart’s Nebraska clinic - A young woman came out of Carhart’s and went to some prayer warriors standing on the sidewalk. She explained to them that she was being pressured into having an abortion by her mother. She was there to begin a medical abortion (RU486). When she was confronted and told to take the first pill, she said she just could not do it. So she left. They refused to give her the $400.00 back. The prayer warriors and sidewalk counselors then took the young lady to EPS for continual care and support. PRAISE GOD! Please continue to pray for her. She is still in danger of being forced to abort her child.
Clinic Workers Send Lurid Christmas Card, While Carhart Doubles Up Over Colorado Springs Shooting
The pro-life center located directly across from Carhart’s clinic, Germantown Pregnancy Choices, was recently mailed a “Christmas Card” from the workers at Carhart’s clinic, Germantown Reproductive Health Services. Not only is the imagery on the front of the card luridly tasteless (therefore not shown), the card also contained an audio CD of Christian Christmas songs such as Away in a Manger and O Holy Night. The inclusion of sacred Christmas music under the banner of “Happy Holidays From Germantown Reproductive Health Services” (shown below) is an absolute travesty. See more about this story from LifeSiteNews.

Audio CD Sent by Carhart’s Clinic to Pro-Life Pregnancy Center in Germantown
On November 30th, the Sunday after the tragic Colorado Springs shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic, Carhart hired a second uniformed off duty Montgomery County Police officer at his clinic in Germantown. A uniformed officer has been present on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays since February, 2012. It is unclear how long the second officer will be there.
God Intervenes in the Life of an Unborn Child in Germantown!
Recently a woman, "Janice", arrived for a late-term abortion and spoke with a side-walk counselor before going into Carhart’s clinic. After being in his clinic she came out and talked again with a side-walk counselor who directed her to Germantown Pregnancy Choices (GPC).
Once inside GPC, Janice was able to share what brought her to Germantown from two states away. She was 26 weeks pregnant with her third child, had a full time job, and the baby's father was not in the picture. Nobody knew she was coming to abort. So when she received two phone calls that morning, they were a surprise and Janice knew that it was God's direct intervention in her life and the life of her unborn child.
One call was from a friend to say that she had a dream about Janice, and that she should not do what she was planning on doing. Then another call came this time from Janice’s Aunt saying she too had a dream and told her not to do what she was planning and if she did, she would die. Janice received the same message from both of these women: "Don't do it". But neither her friend nor her Aunt knew that she was going in for an abortion that day.
Janice was given information for a pregnancy center close to her Aunt's home so she can go in and get more information before she left for her home. Which she did. Janice is back home, keeping the baby and very happy.
God put all the pieces together: two women having dreams, women who decided to act on those dreams, a woman who was open to listening to others, and a family willing to help a relative through this pregnancy.
"One day this week during my hour on Wisteria Drive in Germantown MD for the 40 Days for Life vigil, a high school student stopped to tell me that what we do is good work and that makes it a difference. Since he had seen us out there, he knew to refer his sister to us when she was considering an abortion. He was leaving school early that day because his sister had gone into labor with her son, Gabriel Isaiah! Praise God that our consistent pro-life presence out there impressed a young man and rescued an unborn child! What a great encouragement to all of us who come to Wisteria to pray and witness for life!"
Here is ANOTHER STORY from a 40 Days For Life church coordinator about their experience recently on Wisteria Drive while praying with members of a youth group. Yet another powerful example of how God is using your presence on the sidewalk to save lives.
“Praise God! The prayers of those young people blew me away! And then a lovely lady stopped by and gave the Youth group a set of T-shirts with the sonogram of an unborn child and told the youth group they were angels for being on the sidewalk. And she told them that a sign-carrying angel had caused her to reflect on her decision to have an abortion, and had caused her to CHANGE HER MIND. She now has a lovely three year old child. It was a very powerful message for me and the group to hear."
Not only did their presence on the sidewalk 3 years ago save a life, the mother is now involved in pro-life work and is being a voice for the unborn.
Say HELLO to ‘Javier Jesus’, BORN Wednesday August 20th, 2014.
After receiving a poor pre-natal diagnosis that would have lead to an almost certain death shortly after his birth, this little boy’s parents came to Carhart in Germantown at 28 weeks pregnant. After talking with the side-walk counselors the parents went to a specialist who also brought to them the same diagnosis. Courageously choosing to bring their son into the world instead of aborting him, his parents were expecting the worst. But God had other plans. Javier Jesus only needed minor abdominal surgery and he will be fine and healthy. No explanation except for God's direct intervention. Your prayers are being heard! The Mom is doing fine and both parents are extremely grateful.
Wednesday July 2nd, at 11:59AM the FOURTH Carhart patient in the past 17 MONTHS is taken to the hospital by ambulance from his clinic in Germantown, Maryland.
Minutes later a SECOND ambulance arrives with a Paramedic rushing inside the first ambulance.
3rd Woman in 13 Months Taken from Germantown Clinic to Local Hospital by Ambulance
Germantown, MD (Operation Rescue) – After little sleep and a heavy patient load, LeRoy Carhart sent another abortion patient to the hospital on March 4, 2014 for treatment of apparently life-threatening complications.

An ambulance arrived at about 4:00 p.m. in response for a call for emergency assistance. It transported a female patient to a local hospital. Carhart was not seen with his patient during the incident.
Due to a snowstorm, Carhart was unable to see women scheduled for multi-day late-term abortions as usual on Sunday. Carhart was seen by witnesses at the Germantown Reproductive Health Services abortion clinic between 5:00 and 11:00 p.m. on Monday then was back at the clinic 9:45 a.m. Tuesday morning where at least 16 abortion patients were seen.
March 4, 2014 − 3rd Carhart patient taken by ambulance to hospital
November 26, 2013 − 2nd Carhart patient taken by ambulance to hospital
July 9, 2013 − 1st Carhart patient taken by ambulance to hospital
February 7, 2013 - Jennifer Morbelli dies at local hospital after 33-week Carhart abortion
“It appears that Carhart was once again conducting surgeries on women in a fatigued state, as he is known to do. He brags of never taking a day off. At the age of 72, we believe he is endangering women with his irresponsible behavior, and this latest medical emergency in Germantown is more evidence of that,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.
As far back as 1993, Carhart was ordered by the Nebraska Attorney General to stop “interrupting or delaying a surgical procedure including abortion due to or as a result of his exhaustion or fatigue.”
Medical emergencies at Carhart’s abortion facilities in Maryland and in Bellevue, Nebraska, have become more frequent in recent months, leading to concerns that he is unfit to continue practicing medicine.
Operation Rescue is in the process of filing a complaint with the Maryland Board of Physicians demanding an emergency suspension of Carhart’s medical license pending a full investigation into the recent rash of abortion injuries.
SOURCE: Operation Rescue
YES your presence in Germantown DOES makes a difference...Consider this!!
"While praying on Wisteria Drive during the 40 Days for Life Campaign, all of a sudden a young woman stood in front of us and simply said, "I just stopped by to say thank you for all you're doing." I hadn't seen her, but she had been driving by and pulled into the parking lot. (By the way, it was pouring!).
We then heard her story: She is a single mom with 4 children, and is 5 months pregnant with her 5th child. This past January, 2014 she had an appointment at Carhart's for an abortion on a Monday morning. The Friday (or Saturday) night before, she had driven by on Wisteria and she saw about 10 - 15 people holding signs and praying. At that point, she decided she could not go through with the abortion and cancelled her appointment.
This was a powerful testimony to me that the Lord is using our presence to save lives even if we never talk directly to anyone. Only God knows how many others have changed their minds just because we are here in Germantown.”
*Images of children are for illustrative purposes only