Live Action in Germantown!

'STOP the KILLING' Rally

Highlights from Inhuman: Stop the Killing Rally in Germantown, Maryland

Monday, May 20, 2013  Live Action held a rally in Germantown, Maryland outside LeRoy Carhart’s notorious abortion clinic where Jennifer Morbelli obtained the abortion of her 33-week old child where she consequently died from the procedure. This is where LeRoy Carhart weekly perpetuates grotesque and shocking activities. As illustrated in the investigative Live Action findings — even when performed according to legal standards — the abortion procedure itself is inhumanly brutal, gruesome, and nocuous, despite the abortion industry's best efforts to hide this fact.  Furthermore, the adverse physical and psychological aftereffects of abortion on women are well-documented with ample evidence of the correlation between abortion and depression, suicide, future pre-term births, infertility, and even death as evidenced in the case of Mrs. Morbelli.  Live Action's latest investigation has incited a rising tide of alarm and disgust at how our country treats its women and its weakest children.  This rally was a call for true protection and empowerment of women, justice for Mrs. Morbelli, and the revocation of Carhart’s license to practice in Maryland.

"LeRoy Carhart Exposed in Undercover Sting"

May 8, 2013 - Live Action released the fourth video in its Inhuman investigation. This time, two different undercover investigators – both pregnant, one at 22 weeks and one at 24 – went into LeRoy Carhart’s late-term abortion facility in Bellevue, Nebraska. Carhart is recorded joking and laughing about the process of tearing a human child apart in the womb, as well as relaying misleading information on his involvement in the death of Jennifer Morbelli this past February.

From the press release:

When a Live Action investigator, who is 26 weeks pregnant, asks about what happens to the baby during the procedure, Dr. Carhart responds:

Dr. Carhart: It gets soft – like, mushy – so you push it through.

Woman: So what makes the baby “mushy”?

Dr. Carhart: The fact that it’s not alive for 2 or 3 days.

Woman: Oh. So I’ll have a dead baby in me?

Dr. Carhart: For 3 days, yeah… It’s like putting meat in a crock pot, okay? … It gets softer. It doesn’t get infected or–

Woman: OK, so the dead baby in me is like meat in a crock pot.

Dr. Carhart: Pretty much, yeah … in a slow cooker.

Dr. Carhart tells an undercover Live Action investigator who is 22 weeks pregnant:

"We do a shot into the fetus to end the pregnancy the first day. … Well, if everything works right, you just deliver them and they come out fine. I mean, if for some reason that doesn’t happen, then we have to take them out in pieces…"

A twenty-six-week pregnant Live Action investigator inquires what will happen in the case of complications:

Woman: But if we run into trouble … for some reason, I’m not able to deliver, you’ll be able to get it out in pieces.

Dr. Carhart: We’d take it out…

Woman: What do you use to break it up? Just–

Dr. Carhart: A whole bunch of–

Woman: You’ve got a toolkit.

Dr. Carhart: A pickaxe, a drill bit, yeah (laughs).

Carhart tells the Live Action investigator that one of his patients died of complications in the pregnancy rather than from the abortion:

We have had one woman die in the clinic, OK?… She was a lot farther along than you, but the coroner, it was reported to the coroner and everything, and they said, “yeah, she died again of complications with the pregnancy, but not from the abortion.” Everything from the abortion went fine.

It has since been confirmed that Jennifer Morbelli died due to complications in the abortion procedure performed by LeRoy Carhart.

See the LiveAction video on YouTube and LifeSiteNews article.

Read the entire transcript of LeRoy Carhart & patient conversations.

SOURCE: Live Action

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